Hello Shira,

You emailed dev@ TortosieSVN mailing list dedicated to the discussion
of TortoiseSVN development. That's why this is not the right place for
asking user support. Use users@ list instead and read the Community
page: https://tortoisesvn.net/community.html

I'm removing dev@ and adding @users.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 11:24 PM, Shira Hammann <nosmalldre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm hoping folks may have some guidance on how to stop my repo from getting 
> corrupted by folder deletes.

I guess that by "repo" you mean "working copy"

Do you store the working copy on local computer or on a network share?

> Since I started using tortoisesvn 3 months ago, my repo has twice been 
> corrupted so that I had to delete it and check out the code from scratch. 
> Both times, this has occurred when I attempted to delete a directory in the 
> repo.
> The first time, I just physically deleted the directory using FileExplorer. 
> One of my colleagues says he does this all the time and it works fine with 
> the same versions of svn and tortoisesvn that I'm using. I no longer remember 
> all the details of the errors I got, but I know that my repo ended up 
> corrupted and Clean up didn't work and I ended up having to get the repo 
> again.

All those details are essential to provide advise or suggestions.
Please, specify the exact and complete wordings of the errors you
receive and a brief summary of actions you did prior the error

Note that the state of a working copy that requires a clean up, does
not mean that the working copy is corrupted or anything. A clean up
might be required in case your working copy is in inconsistent state.
This could happen, for example, in case you cancel SVN operation
that's in progress. Read
and http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.tour.cleanup.html

> This time, I right clicked the directory, and chose TortoiseSVN -> Delete. 
> Just prior to doing that, I had gone to the SVN Commit page from my project 
> root, and it looked fine. However, after deleting a directory a couple of 
> levels down, the SVN Commit page no longer found any pending changes. That 
> was true whether I tried from the root or from a subdirectory that didn't 
> contain the deleted directory. I then tried to do a Clean up, again trying 
> from both of the same locations, and it failed saying "Cleanup failed to 
> process the following path:", then the path of the directory I'm trying to 
> clean, then "Can't open directory", then the path of the directory I had 
> deleted, then "Access is denied."

I'm totally confused. Why do you run `svn delete`? What was the output
of `svn status --verbose`? What made you think that you should run
`svn delete` command?

BTW, "Access is denied" is still just "Access is denied". You should
double-check that your Windows / AD user account has full Read Write
access to the location of your working copies. There is a chance that
the errors occur due to lack of permissions. What about checking out
the working copies to a new location where you sure have full access

> At this point I have no idea how to fix the issue, so I'm getting a brand new 
> copy of the repo. However, this is a frustrating thing to have happen every 
> time I need to delete a directory and I'm hoping folks may have run into the 
> same and be able to suggest a better option.

I would suggest reading the documentation
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.tour.html &

Sorry, but I'm not sure what kind of issue you are trying to describe.
Some error messages and a reproduction script could help.

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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