On 17.01.2017 18:40, Maloney, Daniel wrote:
> I've got a Collabnet Subversion Edge instance that I've been running for 
> years with no issues. Got a complaint from a user about a month ago that she 
> couldn't checkout a repo. I verified the issue, error text in TortoiseSVN 
> client window was "E730054: Error running context: An existing connection was 
> forcibly closed by the remote host." I've tried other repos, and they all 
> fail with this same error. Same thing happens with TortoiseSVN or the command 
> line client. All repos were working fine and everyone's permissions were 
> correct before the issue cropped up, and everyone can still browse the repos 
> on ViewVC. The same error is happening on multiple repos and even happens on 
> new test repos. The error seems to crop up at random places in the checkout 
> process - sometimes a few files into the checkout, sometimes dozens. It never 
> stops at the same file, or even a similar file in terms of size. It seems 
> pretty random. And again, it's happening on multiple repos.

This is suspiciously similar to the issue described in this thread:


-- Brane

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