On 02.06.2017 01:43, Eggler, Ron (GE Energy Connections) wrote:
> Hi There,
> I am looking for the following features in svn:

I suppose you're talking about some GUI Subversion client. Which one?

> -        When you do svn commit, instead of automatically submitting all 
> changed files in the directory, in the dialog where you enter the commit 
> message (if -m flag is not used), is there a feature to uncheck any files 
> that should not be committed/select files to be committed?

This should already be possible. If your client doesn't support it,
you'll have to request the feature from its authors.

> -        Is there an option to inspect each file further line-by-line for 
> lines  that have changed to either be selected or excluded from the commit?

"Including or excluding changed lines from a file before commnt" is also
known as "using a text editor to modify the file". Subverison tracks
whole files, not individual lines. In fact the repository does not care
if the file contains text or not.

> I am interested to potentially work on patches that would extend svn with the 
> above functionality if not present already, does anyone know? It seems like 
> these options would be really useful...

They're useful, and they exist ...

-- Brane

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