I made a clean checkout of the same branch onto my Linux  machine, to make sure 
the workspace doesn't contain any odd leftover data. The workspace is sparse, 
it excludes a few folders at the root level contain only data that is 
irrelevant for code work. It's the same checkout as on my Windows machine, 

svn --version
svn, version 1.9.5 (r1770682)
   compiled Dec  1 2016, 14:48:33 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

(This is the Wandisco build. I installed the sourcecode and the dependencies as 
well in case extra logging or breakpoints are required.)

svn merge ^/trunk --dry-run

This completes with a few conflicts but without errors.

svn merge ^/trunk

This fails with:

--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r15014 through r20508 into '.':
Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 1
  Tree conflicts: 2
  Skipped paths: 1
svn: E200020: Unable to parse reversed revision range '19634-19631'

I looked on trunk, and the highest mergeinfo I can find is for 19432:

The majority are ancient merges with mergeinfo <10000

I can add some diagnostics to the mergeinfo parser, though I've got some work 
to finish first.

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