This specific error message was added in the last release, so yes it is new
in the last versions. The last 1.9.x version also added it and I'm surprised
that you see the error on 1.8 and not 1.9 (or vice versa).


It tries to tell you that you have two files with an identical SHA-1 hash,
but different contents. A case that we accidentally didn't catch before,
that might have caused some data loss under extreme circumstances.



This scenario is pretty unlikely to trigger, unless you specifically try to
do that. I'll try to verify what exactly is in your dump file to see if you
really hit this scenario, or that we have a bug in our code that tries to
catch this scenario. Assuming you properly verified with 1.9.6 (and not
1.9.5 or earlier) I assume that this is a bug in 1.8.18, as other scenarios
are really extremely unlikely.


I'm not sure I'll have time to look into this before Monday though, so
perhaps one of the other developers beats me to it.




From: David Engel [] 
Sent: zaterdag 29 juli 2017 00:01
Subject: Checksum mismatch bug in 1.8.18




I think I'm running into a bug in svnadmin in the latest 1.8 release
(1.8.18).  It is not present in 1.8.17 nor 1.9.5 nor 1.9.6.  I'm guessing
it's related to the recent changes around strict repsharing.  I'm not
subscribed to the mailing list, so please CC me on any responses.


Here are the relevant details:


OS: Windows 10 and Windows 2012 R2

Subversion release: 1.8.18

Both SlikSVN release:

svnadmin, version 1.8.18-SlikSvn-1.8.18-X64 (SlikSvn/1.8.18) X64

   compiled Jul 17 2017, 13:03:37 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2.9200

And Collabnet release:

svnadmin, version 1.8.18 (r1800620)

   compiled Jul  7 2017, 05:51:59 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2.9200


Performing an svnadmin load results in the following error:


<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 650

     * editing path :
Dev/Common/Utils/External/StampVerData/MetaBuilderVersion.inf ... done.

     * editing path :
Dev/Common/Utils/External/StampVerData/MetaBuilderVersionDBG.inf ... done.

     * editing path :
Dev/Common/Utils/External/StampVerData/OracleVersion.inf ...svnadmin:
E160000: SHA1 of reps '-1 0 45 132 a6ea37d29094deece56250ebe167ce46
6a2d6bc4c7e58c0d2627a1b0dd5b23e542aec4d1 650-i2/_8' and '-1 136 45 132
a6ea37d29094deece56250ebe167ce46 6a2d6bc4c7e58c0d2627a1b0dd5b23e542aec4d1
650-i2/_8' matches (6a2d6bc4c7e58c0d2627a1b0dd5b23e542aec4d1) but contents

svnadmin: E160004: Filesystem is corrupt

svnadmin: E200014: Checksum mismatch while reading representation:

   expected:  a6ea37d29094deece56250ebe167ce46

     actual:  5f696f5d0755f3bcb5e927bdfba4bfa8


In order to reproduce the error, you can use the attached VersionStamps3
repository dump file.  It was taken with the same version of svnadmin from a
multi-GB repository that's been around for over a decade and pruned
(svndumpfilter) to a small set of files and revisions in one folder while
still encountering the error.  I first encountered the error another place
very quickly in an incremental load on top of a repo that was loaded from
1.8.14, but that one was on a revision north of 120,000+.  This is way
easier to reproduce.  I tried filtering the dump further and dropping empty
revisions, but the error did not occur in those cases.  The error also did
not occur using 1.8.17, 1.9.5., and 1.9.6.  It also did not occur in 1.8.18
if I set enable-rep-sharing = false before performing the load.


Repro.bat script:

@echo off



rem You might need to adjust these lines to point to your

rem compiled-from-source Subversion binaries, if using those:

for %%i in (svn.exe) do set SVN="%%~$PATH:i"

for %%i in (svnadmin.exe) do set SVNADMIN="%%~$PATH:i"



rem Only supported access method: file:// <file:///> . If http:// or svn://,

rem you'll have to configure it yourself first.

set URL=file:///%CD%/repos

set URL=%URL:\=/%

echo Base url for repo: %URL%



if exist repos rmdir /s /q repos

if exist import-me rmdir /s /q import-me

if exist wc rmdir /s /q wc

%SVNADMIN% create repos




echo Making a Tree for import...

mkdir import-me\Dev\Common\Utils\External

echo Importing it...

cd import-me

%SVN% import -q -m "Initial import." %URL%

cd ..


rem This is where your reproduction recipe goes.

svnadmin --version

svnadmin load repos < VersionStamps3

goto :eof





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