not at all.

I just started, once i found where the script was installed, i just did a
small change there,
and so far it works! :-)

There are two options to patch this.

1. do not disrupt the existing code: ( in my current installed code that
would be... )
<                  --preserve-revprops --quiet"
>                  --preserve-revprops --quiet
>                  --pattern"

2. do keep the parameters in the same order that they appear on the docs.

<         cmdOpts="--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs
>         cmdOpts="--drop-empty-revs --pattern --renumber-revs

Not sure which one is the preferred. I still have to read the docs about
how to prepare a proper patch, and if i do have to take this to dev@
and send the patch.

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Branko Čibej <> wrote:

> On 19.09.2017 23:08, ycdtosa wrote:
> > Hi. i have been nasty with some subversion dump files,
> > and that got me using svndumpfilter quite a lot.
> >
> > One of the thinks that i learn is that --pattern does not show up
> > when using bash_completion
> >
> > I think this is a (small) bug.
> > Can anyone confirm it.
> >
> > Also, i did peek into
> >
> client-side/bash_completion
> >
> > and while i can find other options at _svndumpfilter ()
> >
> > cmdOpts=
> >       case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in
> >       exclude|include)
> >               cmdOpts="--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs
> >                        --skip-missing-merge-sources --targets
> >                        --preserve-revprops --quiet"
> >               ;;
> >
> > --pattern is missing from the list.
> Would you mind making a patch for that?
> It's a pity that the bash-completion script is updated manually ...
> ideally we'd auto-generate it from the sources.
> (That's a hint for anyone who'd like to contribute a fairly easy patch :)
> -- Brane

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