> Mine uses Subversions WebDAV as is.

What is subversions WebDAV interface like to work with?

>> * Atomic file system operations through journaling.
> I've no server side beyond Subversion.

The journaling system was mostly needed on the client. During a
'checkout' any file being placed in the local file system also has to
be added to the manifest. If this is not atomic the FS could be left
in an inconsistent state. The journal goes some way towards solving
this as it can detect if something caused a failure between the two
operations and roll back.

This does nothing to help if another process is modifying the
file-system at the same time. The only way of addressing that would be
to lock the whole file-system during that change. I have not found
this to be an issue in practice.

> Yup, though I'll have a tray piece in time

Personally I'm happy with scrolling text in a terminal. I use Xmonad
almost stock, no system tray or any kind of status-bar.

On 27 September 2017 at 18:14, Paul Hammant <p...@hammant.org> wrote:
>> * HTTP(S) based sync protocol.
> Mine uses Subversions WebDAV as is.
>> * All files, both on the client and the server, are stored as plain files
>> with there original names.
> Mine too, or plain binary 'as is'
>> * Stores limited version history on the server only. Has limited support
>> for file versioning.
> Mine: Only current version is stored on the client. Works out if 'clash' is
> about to happen.
>> * No web/graphical UI Designed to perform a single function only, provides
>> a minimal command line interface.
> Yup, though I'll have a tray piece in time like
> https://www.sparkleshare.org/ and DropBox.
>> * No database dependency Stores file manifest information as regular JSON.
> I've metadata stored client side in JSON too.
>> * Atomic file system operations through journaling.
> I've no server side beyond Subversion.
> * Supports partial checkouts
> Got that too :)
> For your README, you'd be better to move the rationale to a separate page,
> and concentrate on hooking the potential user in.
> - Paul

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