We have subversion server in version 1.9.4-1ubuntu1 (apache, 2.4.18-2ubuntu4.1).

Clients connect via http protocol.

We have problems with filename encoding (not its content) during merge process.

It is probably server configuration issue, because we encounter this problem on 
Windows and Linux machines using different client libraries.

Steps to reproduce:

svn checkout http://path.svn/trunk
svn copy http://path.svn/trunk   http://path.svn/branches/1.0 -m "create branch 
svn switch http://path.svn/branches/1.0 trunk
svn add "trunk\file With Space.txt"
svn commit -m "Add file with space" trunk
svn switch http://path.svn/trunk trunk
svn merge -c3  http://path.svn/branches/1.0 trunk
svn commit -m "Commit After Merge" trunk

svn log http://path.svn/ -r4 -v

Changed paths:
   M /trunk
   A /trunk/file%20With%20Space.txt (from /branches/1.0/file With Space.txt:3)

As You can see file created by merge has name 'file%20With%20Space.txt' instead 
'file With Space.txt'.
File names are changed by URL Encoding (Percent Encoding).

Bartosz Pierzchlewicz

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