On 30.12.2017 00:27, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Ryan Schmidt wrote on Fri, 29 Dec 2017 14:05 -0600:
>> On Dec 29, 2017, at 12:55, Bo Berglund wrote:
>>> I guess it is not valid to split the list on several lines in they
>>> config file?
>> I've never heard of that being possible.
> It doesn't seem to be (to my surprise), but the following does work:
> [miscellany]
> gi1 = foo1 foo2
> gi2 = bar1 bar2
> global-ignores = %(gi1)s %(gi2)s
> That's equivalent to
> [miscellany]
> global-ignores = foo1 foo2 bar1 bar2
> .

Yes and this also works:

global-ignores =
    foo1 foo2
    bar1 bar2

Note the space at the beginning of the continuation lines. The syntax of
Subversion config files is compatible with

-- Brane

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