Johan Corveleyn wrote on Fri, 09 Feb 2018 13:40 +0100:
> So changing this in historic revisions (in a dump file) is not just a
> question of adding the property, it also involves normalizing the
> corresponding file contents in the dump (and the dump format contains
> checksums and offsets, so manipulating actual contents in not easy).

Why wouldn't it be easy?

If the dumpstream was generated without --deltas, the records are not
dependent on each other, so writing some sort of stdin-to-stdout filter
that renormalizes newlines of some file records would be
straightforward.  It wouldn't be doable with sed, for the reasons you
give, but it'd be doable using the API.

If the dumpstream was generated with --deltas, it would be easier to load
the dumpstream into a repository and then to use svnsync to renormalize
the newlines.

(Conceptually, 'svnsync sync' should allow the source to be a
dumpstream, reusing the dumpstream-to-editor backend of 'svnrdump load',
but that hasn't been implemented.)



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