On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 12:37:53PM +0200, Johannes van der Vegt wrote:
> The APR version gave me a hint in the right direction.
> Client SVN linked dependencies:
>   SVN 1.10.0:  - APR 1.6.3 (compiled with 1.6.3)
>   SVN 1.9.7:   - APR 1.5.2 (compiled with 1.5.2)
> (Did you mix up 1.10 and 1.9 in your list? Because my version numbers are
> swapped w.r.t. yours)

The 1.9 binaries I used were not compiled by me and do
indeed use a newer APR version. My 1.10 build is a custom
build which happens to use an older APR version.

> On the server:
>   SVN 1.10.0:  - APR 1.5.1 (compiled with 1.5.1)
> This was a version downloaded from CollabNet.
> I installed TortoiseSVN with the command-line-tools on the server. That gave
> the following version info:
>   SVN 1.10.0-dev:   - APR 1.6.3 (compiled with 1.6.3)
> Starting the server:
> svnserve -d --listen-port 3690 -6 -r "D:/[RepoPath]"
> IT WORKS!!! I now have an ipv6 service running, and accessing it from my
> main PC is fast!

OK, great.

> But... Can I have two processes (IPv4 and IPv6) running on the same port
> together? And will they access the same database on the driver? That may
> give trouble if two users connect simultaneously, right?

No, that is not a problem. Writes to the same repository from
different processes are always serialized properly. 
It's the same situation as if you were running a multi-process
or multi-threaded SVN server, as is the case when Apache HTTPD
is used with mod_dav_svn, or when multiple users commit at the
same time via svn+ssh://. Running two svnserve in parallel is
not an exceptional situation because it can happen at any time
when svn+ssh:// repository access is used. With svn+ssh:// each
client access spawns a new and separate svnserve process.

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