Ryan Schmidt wrote on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 06:04 -0500:
> On Oct 4, 2018, at 02:32, Chris wrote:
> > I figured using svnsync to get the "cleaned repo" up to date with the 
> > changes on the "live repo", but a note in the svnsync documentation says 
> > "The only commits and revision property modifications that ever occur on 
> > that mirror repository should be those performed by the svnsync tool". Does 
> > that also include this kind of cleanup operation where I remove paths that 
> > don't exist on HEAD?

Yes.  The precondition for running 'svnsync' is that every revision in
the target repository is identical to the corresponding revision in the
source repository.  "Correspondence", in this sense, simply means
numeric equality: r5 must correspond to r5, not to r6 nor to r4.

> > If I should't use svnsync for this, what should I do instead?

You should use svnsync and set the source repository's URL to a URL
that has authz restrictions denying read to the large binary blobs.

That's it.



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