On 25.10.2018 12:41, BURT, Matthew J wrote:
> Hi,
> We’ve got a number of developers using the javahl bindings from Eclipse
> via subclipse.
> One of them recently reported a coredump against 1.10.3. I’ve also
> reproduced it with 1.9.7.
> The problem occurs when SVNClient::diff() is called with a diff-cmd
> defined in the user’s ~/.subversion/config file.
> SVNClient::diff() calls svn_client_diff6() with the errstream explicitly
> set to NULL and the diff command in dwi->diff_cmd.
> Further down in the code, if diff_content_changed() from
> subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c is called, the NULL errstream is
> de-referenced with a call to svn_stream__aprfile().
> I’ve put together a simple patch to avoid the null dereference, but I’m
> not 100% sure this is the correct solution. The code suggests to me that
> the intention is to allow the errstream parameter for svn_client_diff6()
> to be set to NULL, but maybe I’m misreading it.
> Is this the correct approach, and should I submit this patch for
> consideration?

The docstring for svn_client_diff7 (..._diff6 was deprecated on trunk)
doesn't say that outstream or errstream may be NULL; that's pretty
definitive. This should be fixed in the native JavaHL code; either an
actual stream should be used such that JavaHL users can read it (in this
case I suspect that the JavaHL API would have to be upgraded), or a
stream that ignores all writes should be used.

-- Brane

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