On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 01:55:10PM +0000, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> Hello list,
> Windows 7, using the 1.10.3 command line tools (from TortoiseSVN).
> I am trying to use `svn cleanup` in a build script (batch file) to remove 
> some ignored / unversioned files that may have been generated by a previous 
> build.  However, some of them are marked as "read-only" and cleanup stops 
> with an error.

Which error message and code are you seeing exactly?

The cleanup code calls a functions which is supposed to remove
files even if they don't have write-permissions, and even on Windows.
It looks like in your case this is going wrong for some reason.

On Unix, it is working as expected for me:

$ touch foo
$ chmod 444 foo
$ svn st
?       foo
$ svn cleanup --remove-unversioned
D         foo
$ svn st

I don't have a Windows machine.

> I have a couple of questions:
> Is it valid to use both --remove-ignored and --remove-unversioned in the same 
> command?  This is not clear in the help text although it seems to work (until 
> it hits the read-only files).

Yes, passing both flags at the same time is valid.

> Is there any way to say "ignore errors" or "ignore read-only" or even "remove 
> read-only"?

Well, it should already work without errors.
I am not sure why it does not work for you :-/


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