Thanks for the response!

In our C++ files, we use the following in our copyright header


$Author$ - $Revision$ - $Date$


Which gets replaced with the appropriate data.

$HeadURL$ gets substituted with

$HeadURL: http://svnsvrpath/trunk/dir1/dir2/filename.cpp

The problem is, if I do a svn cp &  switch for a branch 
svn cp ^/trunk ^/branches/workbranch/
svn switch ^/branches/workbranch

the file gets updated (every file, every header etc) to
$HeadURL: http://svnsvrpath/branches/workbranch/dir1/dir2/filename.cpp

What I would prefer
$HeadURL: ^/dir1/dir2/filename.cpp

This way, I can see where the file is located in the repository, but on a svn 
branch, the file doesn’t change

Does this make sense?

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pavel Lyalyakin <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 09:55
To: Scott Bloom <>
Subject: Re: SVN keyword replacement

Hello Scott,

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 8:41 PM Scott Bloom <> wrote:
> Our repository currently uses $HeadURL, and it works as advertised.
> However, I would prefer just the file from ^, this way if there is a branch, 
> and a switch, everyfile wont have to be rebuilt.
> The redbooks lists nothing like this, but Im hoping it’s a 
> documentation issue
> Scott

Could you please show some examples of the desired result? How do you use the 
$HeadURL keyword now? Do you want to make $HeadURL show contents of this file? 
What '^' file are you asking about?

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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