On 07.05.2019 15:19, Osipov, Michael wrote:
> Am 2019-05-07 um 14:57 schrieb Branko Čibej:
>> On 07.05.2019 14:25, Osipov, Michael wrote:
>>> Am 2019-05-07 um 14:20 schrieb Branko Čibej:
>>>> On 07.05.2019 13:53, Osipov, Michael wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> consider the following layout we need to solve for our legacy build:
>>>>> .
>>>>> |-- forms
>>>>> |-- src
>>>>> \-- inc
>>>>> inc shall point to forms as external. Wenn doing "svn ps" with "forms
>>>>> inc" or "./forms inc" I receive an error.
>>>> Just to clarify, you want this:
>>>> $ svn propset svn:externals './forms inc' .
>>> Correct. Expanded it is:
>>> /di1234/trunk
>>> |-- forms
>>> |-- src
>>> \-- inc
>>>> that is, on the parent directory of 'forms'?
>>>>> Of course, according to the help output [1] this is not possible. But
>>>>> why can't I have same level externals? We currently apply the ugly
>>>>> workaround by creating 'inc' and adding externals beneath that.
>>>> The reason you can't do that is that if we allowed the syntax you're
>>>> proposing, it will conflict with the old, pre-1.5 svn:externals
>>>> format,
>>>> where the first parameter was the external name and the second was the
>>>> full URL.
>>> I'd be happy if this compat-mode could be turned off via compile time
>>> option to make the case work as expected. I don't know how much effort
>>> that is since I don't know the Subversion codebase.
>> Well, I would be quite unhappy with that because then every time someone
>> reported a problem with externals, we'd have to ask how they compiled
>> their client ... and the answer would probably be "I don't know."
>> One simply doesn't design features that way. :)
> Fair enough ;-)
> Any chances that this will go way with the next LTS release? 1.5 is
> really really old...

We promise backward compatibility across 1.x, so not likely.

>> If your clients are UNIX-ish machines, you can commit 'inc' as a symlink
>> to 'forms'. Or creating the link (even on Windows) could be part of a
>> script that prepares the working copy for your legacy build.
> The software runs on HP-UX only, so yes we have real UNIX. We have
> also considered symlinks, but wanted actually the portable --
> Subversion -- way.

Understood. If you can come up with a syntax for what you want that is
backwards-compatible and unambiguous, feel free to write up a proposal
and send it to the dev@ list. For reference, what we currently support
is documented here:


-- Brane

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