Thanks for the information.

I also received a separate private response that pointed out that SVN versions 
1.7 and above have a single .svn folder in the root, whereas 1.6 and before had 
separate .svn folders for every sub-directory.  This was the key to 
understanding what the problem is.

The evolution of our codebase has resulted in a directory structure in the 
repository of:


Which worked fine until we discovered that the contents of sub_dir1 needed to 
be shared with other repositories, and thus should no longer be a sub-directory 
under root_dir.  The "correct" fix should have been to more sub_dir1 to another 
repository location, but instead, the build process was changed such that 
root_dir was checked out (along with sub_dir1), then sub_dir1 deleted in the 
working copy (WC), and finally, sub_dir1 is repopulated from the common 
repository.  This is what creates the error I was seeing, since sub_dir1 is 
part of the root_dir checkout (and thus reflected in the .svn folder in 
root_dir).  When we try to repopulate sub_dir1 from the common repository, SVN 
now complains basically that it's already revision controlled via the 
information in root_dir.

Now that I understand the issue, I don't believe there is any workaround for 
the issue that will allow the builds to work with SVN 1.7 (or above) the way 
they did with SVN version 1.6.  As such, I will work with my team to try and 
make the changes necessary to work with later SVN versions.

Thanks for the fast response!

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Shahaf <> 
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 4:00 AM
To: Brett Cook <>;
Subject: Re: What does "Revision X doesn't match existing revision Y" mean?

Brett Cook wrote on Fri, 21 Jun 2019 04:57 +00:00:
> I’m doing a checkout using ‘svn co URL DEST’ and get an error that 
> says “Revision X doesn't match existing revision Y in DEST”.

For future searchers' benefit, the error code should have been E155000.
(more below)

> I’ve tried figuring out what causes this and why an old version of SVN 
> (svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011) compiled Jun 2 2011, 23:35:08) works 
> and a newer version (svn, version 1.11.1 (r1850623) compiled Jan 9 
> 2019, 19:28:50 on x86-microsoft-windows) does not, but have not been 
> successful.
> When searching for the answer, I get a lot of information about this 
> happening during a merge, but have yet to find anything related to 
> checkout.
> I’m trying to find an explanation of a) what causes this and b) if 
> there are ways to have SVN not worry about it.

It's a client-side error.  I think it means working-copy recorded data doesn't 
match data newly received over the wire, but I haven't had time to confirm this.

The relevant client-side library was rewritten between 1.6 and 1.7, which would 
explain why 1.6 and 1.11 behave differently.

Note that 1.11.x is no longer supported; only 1.9.x/1.10.x/1.12.x are currently 

In 1.12.x (and probably 1.11.x too) the error should only be raised if DEST 
existed and was a working copy before the 'svn co', so try specifying a new or 
empty directory as DEST instead.



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