I want to work on a project on a Raspberry Pi computer but this particular 
one is not networked with the svn server...
I do have another RPi on the same network as the svn server so I can check 
out a WC to that computer via VPN access to the RPi.

So I wonder if this would work:
1) Check out project on the remote RÅi accessed via VPN
2) Create a tar file of the resulting working copy
3) Transfer the tar file to my home network via FTP
4) Transfer the tar file on my local network to the target RPi
5) Unpack the wc on the target and work on the project
6) Make a tar file on the target and transfer in reverse to the RPi 
   on the remote network
7) Commit changes from the remote RPi to teh remote svn server.

Or are there some hidden tokens used to identify the client in the WC? 

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund 

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