Honza Maly wrote on Tue, 17 Dec 2019 20:04 +00:00:
> I don't see it in issue tracker: do you have any plans on adding support 
> for ssh agent as way to store password encrypted, possibly based on what
> Jack Whitham prepared?
> https://www.jwhitham.org/2017/03/svn-password-store-using-ssh-agent.html
> https://github.com/jwhitham/safeu
> I'm in exactly same situation as he is (using multiple linux servers over 
> ssh connection) and I'm currently thinking about compiling subversion with 
> his patch myself, however I though I will ask if it won't arrive in 
> official distribution soon ... or, if you already looked at it and found 
> some problem with it.

The code was not proposed to us for inclusion.

If it's proposed, my first question would be what value it adds on top
of the existing gpg-agent backend.  (There's also a box to check about
licensing, but that'll probably work out.)



P.S.  The linked post is wrong when it equates svn+ssh:// access with
shell access.  It's perfectly possible to use SSH for authentication
without giving developers out-of-band (svnadmin-level) access to the
repository.  There are various ways to implement this; the simplest
is to use authorized_keys(5) forced commands.

> (I'm currently relying on the directory attribute for protection but would
>   prefer real encryption.)

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