We got difference in the same revision and same file but taken by export and 
checkout in SVN client version more or equal than 1.10:

$ svn co https://svn-test.net/svn/test/ -r9 checkout
Checked out revision 9.
$ svn export https://svn-test.net/svn/test/ -r9 export
A export
A export/EmptyStandbyList.exe
Exported revision 9.
$ diff checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe export/EmptyStandbyList.exe

$ md5sum export/EmptyStandbyList.exe
10ab6937e720856efd4a315f0f06fcfb  export/EmptyStandbyList.exe
$ md5sum checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe
10ab6937e720856efd4a315f0f06fcfb  checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe

no difference as we see

$ svn --version
svn, version 1.9.7 (r1800392)
compiled Mar 28 2018, 08:49:13 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
$ cd checkout/
$ svn proplist EmptyStandbyList.exe -v
Properties on 'EmptyStandbyList.exe':

Now we repeat on other version of client:

$ svn --version
svn, version 1.11.1 (r1850623)
compiled Jun 17 2019, 17:51:58 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
$ svn co https://svn-test.net/svn/test/ -r9 checkout
$ svn export https://svn-test.net/svn/test/ -r9 export
$ diff checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe export/EmptyStandbyList.exe
Binary files checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe and export/EmptyStandbyList.exe 

$ md5sum export/EmptyStandbyList.exe
5ddd018068333a4fa03e08b5451b1d52  export/EmptyStandbyList.exe

$ md5sum checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe
10ab6937e720856efd4a315f0f06fcfb  checkout/EmptyStandbyList.exe

$ cd checkout/
$ svn proplist EmptyStandbyList.exe -v
Properties on 'EmptyStandbyList.exe':

( also we repeated tests on different client versions and systems with the same 

How we simulate situation:
1) we made a link to file in linux system
$ ln -s ../EmptyStandbyList.exe EmptyStandbyList.exe
$ ll
EmptyStandbyList.exe -> ../EmptyStandbyList.exe
2) commit this
$ svn add EmptyStandbyList.exe
$ svn commit -m "add link"
3) in windows client Tortoise  we just replaced link by actual binary file and 
committed again
And after that we got two different files in checkout and export way.

I undestand that linux and windows filesystems works different, but i don't 
understand what changed in algorithm of export command in >=1.10 version that 
gives us two different files and how to prevent this. And
Properties field strange also for binary file.

Thank you.


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