On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 08:50:00AM +0100, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
> Guten Tag Stefan Sperling,
> am Montag, 24. Februar 2020 um 21:04 schrieben Sie:
> > If several possible move targets exist, the 'svn' client will offer
> > 'd' and 'w' conflict options which may help you to set the right
> > destination paths.
> It did, thanks. That's what I had expected from TSVN as well. But do
> you really mean "w" or "m"? Because I have been offered "d" and "m"
> only:
> > Select: (p) Postpone, (r) Mark as resolved,
> >         (m) Apply to move destination,
> >         (d) Set repository move destination path, (h) Help,
> >         (q) Quit resolution: d
> Just wondering if "w" is something I need to keep in mind
> additionally.

It depends on the particular situation. "w" only happens in case there
is more than one possible move target inside the working copy, which
also depends on the particular repository-side path selected with "d".
If the path selected with "d" maps to a single path in the working copy
then "w" is not needed.

> > This feature only works if the SVN client implements support for it.
> > If TSVN did not do that, then they are missing this feature.
> > I am not sure how far TortoiseSVN went with their resolver implementation.
> Am going to ask them, mabye I simply did something wrong or missed
> some setting or else.

Thanks! Perhaps this is indeed just missing in their UI.

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