Casey Heney wrote on Tue, 12 May 2020 17:23 -0700:
> Commit failed (details follow):
> Changing directory '/Users/casey/Documents/repo/trunk/docroot/new-dir'
> is forbidden by the server
> Access to
> '/!svn/wrk/cfa651e5-5850-4325-a441-1b5f8f37b3ea/trunk/docroot/new-dir'
> forbidden

The error code wasn't printed, I see, but it's E195023.

> Committing new or modified files works just fine. I can clone a
> directory with a new name and commit that. I can also commit deletes of
> directories. The problem is just with committing new directories. I
> have also tried logging in to the server via Terminal and committing
> new folders directly on the server filesystem itself, and that does in
> fact work, so I believe the issue is with apache.

To be clear, did you run «svn mkdir file:///path/to/repo/foo/bar» or
«command mkdir /path/to/repo/foo/bar»?  I think you meant the former,
but just to make sure.

As you say, file:// doesn't use authz.

> In an attempt to reduce possible permission issues, I tried updating my
> authz file to the following:
> [/]
> * = rw

Good call.  Authz restrictions are indeed one possible cause of E195023.

Did you confirm that you modified the correct authz file?

Another cause of E195023 is HTTP status 403 responses.  Those might be
returned by some proxy, too.  Might that be the unknown recent change?

> Running up against this issue that I can’t find an answer to, I created
> an account here hoping someone might have some insight. Being new and
> not knowing how this list works exactly, I would appreciate being CC’d
> on any replies. Thanks for the help.



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