On Mon, 10 Aug 2020 09:52:51 -0400, Nathan Hartman
<hartman.nat...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> How should I proceed to get the wc in a state like after the last
>> successful update so it can now be updated to the repository head
>> revision?
>So, if I understand correctly, you want to throw away *all* modifications
>in your working copy. In a situation like this, I would shut down the IDE
>so that it won't interfere, and from the topmost directory of the working
>copy, do:
>$ svn revert -R .
>Now, you should be able to "svn update" to get the latest repository
>Again, since a revert cannot be undone, always be careful with "svn revert"
>especially with "-R" (recursive)!!

I used TortoiseSVN to revert the 7 changed files and then I did an
update and got the latest revision without the conflicts popping up!

I did not need the recursion because it was only files from a single
dir that were compromised.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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