I received this error using TortoiseSVN Project Monitor (latest TortoiseSVN
version 1.14.0) on Windows 7 64-bit fully updated.
I found a similar report, so I replied to it.

Probably this is the condition:
- using a VPN to connect to SVN repository
- Project Monitor dialog was open
- PC went to stand-by
- when I turned on the PC, the VPN was disconnected (by the stand-by)
- Project Monitor tried to update data
- error appeared
- if I click on the "Check Now" button, the same error appears again

Subversion Exception!
Subversion encountered a serious problem.
Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
with as much information as possible about what
you were trying to do.
But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
You can find the mailing list archives at

Subversion reported the following
(you can copy the content of this dialog
to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):

In file
 line 10238: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(local_abspath))

Kind regards,
Alessandro Garberi

Computer Line Associates s.r.l.
Via della Viggioletta, 8
29121 Piacenza - Italy
Tel. +39 0523 18650 37

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