I have mod_dav and authz_svn set up and working fine.  A virtual host exists as 

I have a set of documents that I want to move to a top level.  Clients are set 
up only to use the subdirectories, i.e. set up as svn co 
https://svn.compnay.com/config.  One group of users is using svn+ssh and I want 
to move them to https to leverage better access control.  I also want to move 
their files in /config/compliance to /compliance.  I cannot do this at once as 
it will disrupt their access.  for the time being I want to move them to 
https://svn.company/config/compliance but set them up as 
https://svn.company.com/complaince and within apache redirect 
https://svn.company.com/config/complaince to 
https://svn.company.com/compliance.  Then when the time is right svn move the 
config/compliance to compliance and add a <Location> section in apache to 
replace the re-write rules and the user will carry on almost oblibious to the 
change.  However I cannot get the re-write rules to work with SVN -Dav.  The 
commented out re-write rules end with a https::/svn.company.com/compliance does 
not exist and using Re-write rules in a <Location> section is not recommended 
by apache.

Can any one suggest how I can achieve the mapping of config/compliance -> 


<VirtualHost *:80>

        LogLevel debug

        RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http: early

        PassEnv DENV

        SetEnv SERVICENAME subversion

        ServerName subversion

        DocumentRoot /mnt/svn/

        CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l 
/var/log/service/subversion_access_log.%Y-%m-%d 86400" common

        ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l 
/var/log/service/subversion_log.%Y-%m-%d 86400"

#       SVNAllowBulkUpdates Off

#       RewriteEngine On

#       RewriteRule "^/compliance/(.*)" /config/compliance/$1 [PT,L]

#       RewriteRule "^/compliance$" "/config/compliance" [PT,L]

        LogLevel alert rewrite:trace5 core:trace5 authz_svn:trace5 
dav_svn:trace5 authnz_ldap_module:trace5 auth_gssapi_module:trace5

<Location "/">

        DAV svn

        SVNPath /mnt/svn/company

        AuthType GSSAPI

        AuthName "Enterprise Subversion Repositories"


        # as we Require on the root this applies to all

        # paths below it.

        Require valid-user


        GssapiBasicAuth On

        GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd/subversion.keytab

        GssapiNegotiateOnce On

        GssapiSignalPersistentAuth On

        GssapiLocalName on

        GssapiUseSessions On

        Session On

        SessionCookieName krb5_session path=/;httponly;secure;


<LocationMatch "/config">

        AuthType GSSAPI

        GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd/subversion.keytab

        GssapiNegotiateOnce On

        GssapiSignalPersistentAuth On

        GssapiLocalName on

        GssapiUseSessions On

        Session On

        SessionCookieName krb5_session path=/;httponly;secure;


           Require ldap-group-config

           Require valid-user






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