On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 8:43 PM Ronny Machado
<ronny.mach...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I found this e-mail address in the "Version control with Subversion".
> I've got a question, which may seem weird due to its nature...I've found a 
> hole bunch of docs and videos about how to migrate from Subversion to Gitlab, 
> but nothing addressing the other way round...Some devs wanted me to implement 
> Gitlab, which I did...but after a few months it has become a nightmare, 
> gitlab is a resource consuming beast, the admin tasks aren't  so "natural", 
> lots of security holes and so on...So, for me the natural thing to do is come 
> back to he good old tried and true,  Subversion....
> Any recommendation? Any doc to read? Any guide?

Gitlab is not git, and if you're having trouble there, I suspect
you'll have problems educating personnel and encouraging good workflow
with Subversion as well. I've had good success with migrations from
Subversion to github. I've not seen anyone try the reverse.

If you have to do this, the "git svn" command should be useful to
permit you to import from a git repository and export to a Subversion
repository. It won't bring the access control or support complex
desired layouts of branches, tags, releases, and partial repos that
Subversion may support more easily.

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