Rick van der Zwet wrote on Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 02:57:02 +0200:
> I really liked the suggestions provided, they gave me the clearity I
> needed with regards the lifetime debug flagging on 'svn help' output,
> thanks! 

You're welcome.

> FYI: I did some futher investigation on the specific problem within Trac
> I was trying to fix and I am getting more hints by experimenting with
> flags and combinations. If I compile APR (1.7.0) without debugging it
> produces a coredump with some endless(?) recursion, see attached
> gdb-output.txt for details. If I compile apr with
> '--enable-pool-debug=yes', the program executes without errors,
> to-be-continued. Since this is most likely not subversion related I
> think is best discussed on different mailinglist.

Ack, but the backtrace does go through Subversion's swig-py bindings and
libsvn_fs_fs, so we might be involved nevertheless.  Does the problem
reproduce in «svnlook help»?  In «svnlook youngest /path/to/repo»?  In
«./fs-test» (in subversion/tests/*/)?

I'm guessing frame 87035 is subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/fs.c:fs_open().
That function uses a subpool, but I don't see why.  A subpool would have
made sense if «subpool» had been passed to a function that was
documented to install pool cleanup handlers on its provided pool, for
example, but none of the uses of «subpool» are as anything other than
a called function's ordinary scratch_pool.  So, could you try the
following patch?

Index: subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/fs.c
--- subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/fs.c        (revision 1889073)
+++ subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/fs.c        (working copy)
@@ -427,19 +427,15 @@ fs_open(svn_fs_t *fs,
         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool,
         apr_pool_t *common_pool)
-  apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create(scratch_pool);
   SVN_ERR(svn_fs__check_fs(fs, FALSE));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_fs__open(fs, path, subpool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_fs__open(fs, path, scratch_pool));
-  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_fs__initialize_caches(fs, subpool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_fs__initialize_caches(fs, scratch_pool));
-                       fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, subpool));
-  svn_pool_destroy(subpool);
+                       fs_serialized_init(fs, common_pool, scratch_pool));
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;

This passes fs-test and basic_tests.py (I didn't do a full «make
check» run).

To be clear, the scratch_pool usage in that function in HEAD is
non-idiomatic without an obvious reason, but I don't see why it would
result in an infinite loop.

About which, the pool address, 0x0804542028 (note I added a leading zero
to keep the number of nibbles even), looks suspiciously like ASCII: it's
"\t\004T (".  That _could_ be a coincidence, especially since there's no
obvious mechanism by which the value of «subpool» could be corrupted
between the svn_pool_create() and the svn_pool_destroy(), but still,
a valgrind run on a pool-debug-enabled build might be a good idea.

> > 
> > For future reference, your MUA hard-wrapped the various traces, which
> > made them difficult to read.  Please disable hard wrapping for such
> > cases, or use attachments named *.txt.
> Thanks for the feedback, was unaware of hard-wrapping bt my MUA
> (roundcube), will try to prevent it in the future postings.

Thanks ☺



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