Dear SVN experts,

Here is my setup:-

I have Debian 10.6 on a 20GB MAIN disk.
I have a 100 GB disk mounted at /srv. The SVN repositories are in
I have a GIANT storage box (1 TB in size) mounted via WebDAV at the
location /mnt/storage-box-folder.

My problem :-

When my script runs via a cronjob, it does :

echo "Dumping $repo" && TMP=/mnt/storage-box-folder /usr/bin/svnadmin
dump --deltas /srv/svn-repositories/${repo} >

it fills up the 20 GB MAIN disk.

The above code loops over ALL svn repositories in the main disk. Here
${repo} variable has the name of ONE SVN repository.

${SVN_DUMPDIR} is a location on the GIANT storage box mounted at

This script is running as a cron job as the ROOT user, so permissions
should not be an issue. However,I tried doing chmod 777
/mnt/storage-box-folder to be sure that the TMP folder is writable,
but it still did not work.

My query is : How can I dump SVN repositories from the main disk to
the storage-box-folder without filling up the main disk? I have tried
to change the TMP directory above, but it did not make a difference.

I have seen these 2 threads (where I learnt the need to setup the TMP
variable and to make it writable):

PS : I am not subscribed to this listing, so please CC me when
replying to this thread.

Many thanks,

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