
Either bypass svn completly (do not use svadmin create and just rsync or just use tools provided by svn and do not rsync.

Your mixture cannot work:

svnadmin creates an empty repo: srync copys files into that repo, but these files belongs to your old repo, not to the new one, so they will be picked up correctly

Am 18/05/2021 um 15:33 schrieb jackson:
Hello Everyone ,

   I did a rsync , but it looks like it is not working .

Below are the steps i followed for rsync

*commands run on the new svn server(1.10)*

svnadmin create /subversion/repos/idea

chown -R apache /subversion/repos/idea

rsync -a username@sourceserver:/subversion/repos/idea /subversion/repos/idea

rsync worked , but when I logged into the websvn to check the revisions , it was not present in the new svn console .

*data size on both the server is same after rsync*

[root@old server repos]# du -sh idea

2.8G idea

[root@new server repos]# du -sh idea

2.8G idea

screenshot of idea repo in old svn server show it has 9754 rev


screenshot of idea repo in new svn server show 0 rev


Looks like i have to follow svm dump and load with incremental or svnsync for this migration.

Let me try these steps and let you know.

Thanks & Regards,

Jackson J

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 8:06 AM Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com <mailto:hartman.nat...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 8:26 PM Daniel Shahaf
    <d...@daniel.shahaf.name <mailto:d...@daniel.shahaf.name>> wrote:

        Mark Phippard wrote on Mon, 17 May 2021 12:24 +00:00:
        > > On May 17, 2021, at 8:21 AM, jackson <jacky3...@gmail.com
        <mailto:jacky3...@gmail.com>> wrote:
        > >
        > > 
        > > Hello Everyone
        > >
        > >      We are using subversion 1.7 running in LInux 6.9.
        > > we are working on subversion migration along with OS upgrade
        > >
        > > Currently we have built RHEL 8.3 OS with subversion 1.10
        and did all the configuration , the 1.10 setup is up and
        working as expected .
        > >
        > > We need help in migrating the repo from current setup
        (v1.7 to the new setup
        > >
        > > The current setup (v1.7) has the repo size of 500GB. we
        are using svn load and svn dump method to migrate the repos
        from current setup (v1.7) to new setup(v1.10) , but it takes a
        lot of time due to the size of the repo (500GB) , Also the
        current setup (v1.7 is being currently used by the customer
        ,soo even after taking the dump of one particular repo and
        loading it in new setup , a newer revision is being made in
        the current setup (v1.7 by the customer  , thus making us to
        do the svn dump and lsvn load again.
        > >
        > > now we need your help in identifying an efficient way in
        migrating the repo from the current setup (v1.7  to the ew
        setup(v1.10) , Need your expert advise on this please
        > >
        > >
        > > Also let us know we can do rsync for this?
        > >
        > > Thanks & Regards,
        > > Jackson J
        > You do not have to do anything. Just point the new server at
        > existing repositories or move them to new location.

        That's not necessarily correct for BDB repositories.

        > You can use rsync, tar or whatever method you prefer.

        That's not correct for live repositories.

        Bo and David covered the svnsync and «svnadmin hotcopy»
        approaches; all
        I have to add is that for «svnadmin dump», the --deltas,
        and -r options should be used as necessary.

    I'll add that several subsections of "Repository Maintenance" of
    Chapter 5 of the Subversion book are relevant, especially [1] and [2].

    [1] Migrating Repository Data Elsewhere:

    [2] Repository Replication:

    (In this case I think [1] is the more relevant of these.)


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