after update an repository, i normally check actual changes (with 
TurtoiseMerge) so this tool and the update window are open.
when i then update again (by batch file) then i very often get this message:

svn: E200030: sqlite[S10]: disk I/O error

when i close TurtoiseMerge (and update window) before update again, then i 
never noticed it.
(i also checked for actually disk problems, but there are none)

batch file:
@echo off
svn --version > nul
if %ErrorLevel% gtr 0 (
  echo Sources can't be updated because the SVN-client not found. Please 
install the console tools TortoiseSVN.
) else (
  svn up ..\..\Axxx
  svn up ..\..\Cxxx
  svn up ..\..\Dxxx
  svn up ..

used versions:

TortoiseMerge 1.14.1, Build 29085 - 64 Bit , 2021/02/09 16:17:02
libsvn_diff 1.14.1,
apr 1.6.5
apr-util 1.6.1

TortoiseSVN 1.14.1, Build 29085 - 64 Bit , 2021/02/09 16:17:02
ipv6 enabled
Subversion 1.14.1, -release
apr 1.6.5
apr-util 1.6.1
serf 1.3.9
OpenSSL 1.1.1i  8 Dec 2020
zlib 1.2.11
SQLite 3.29.0

Mit freundlichen Gr??en / With kind regards

i.A. Ansgar Arbeiter
Graduate Engineer - Development


B?ning Automationstechnologie GmbH & Co. KG
Am Steen?ver 4
27777 Ganderkesee

Tel.: +49 4221 9475-51
Fax: +49 4221 9475-9051<>


Amtsgericht Oldenburg: HRA140737
Komplement?r: B?ning Verwaltungs GmbH
Amtsgericht Oldenburg: HRB141420
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Dipl.-Ing. G?nther B?ning
USt-ID Nr.: DE229750191


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