Den ons 25 aug. 2021 kl 13:56 skrev Justin MASSIOT | Zentek <>:

> Thanks Stefan, I thought I've seen that feature in the past but I've been
> unable to find the documentation.
> That's a pity there isn't an up-to-date documentation for the latest SVN
> releases, apart from the release notes... (or, is there any?)
> Justin MASSIOT  |  Zentek
> On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 at 13:35, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 09:32:04AM +0200, Justin MASSIOT | Zentek wrote:
>> > * As for the "can do / can't do", the standard way would be to enforce
>> > "path-based
>> > authorization
>> > <
>> >",
>> > but it isn't flexible at all because it doesn't support wildcards.
>> Good news! Path-based authz does support wildcards as of 1.10.0:
I was also lost when wildcard path-based authz was discussed a few weeks
ago. Some help to write the documentation is surely welcome and I guess the
Subversion book's authors will appreciate a contribution. I'm planning to
look at it but it is fairly low on my list of priorities.

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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