To whom it may concern,
The SVN Book version 1.8 states, that if at a given path, *svn:auto-props*
contains two or more file patterns that can match the same file, and such a
file is added, then "there is no way to know" which pattern will be applied
(and therefore, which pattern's corresponding properties the file will gain
upon addition). The example gives patterns "**.c**" and "**.cpp*".

In testing with SVN 1.12 (CollabNet build), I've found that the first
pattern will always take precedence. Is this indeed reliable (i.e., will
the first match always take precedence over others, if the other matching
patterns are all found in the same path's *svn:auto-props*), or have I just
been lucky (i.e., to see consistency)?

And a followup question - if indeed there is no way to reliably control the
pattern precedence, then does this mean that there is no way to, e.g., have
one set of properties apply to "*CMakeLists.txt*" , and another to all
other "**.txt*" files? Bash globbing syntax would allow *!(CMakeLists).txt*
to match all **.txt *files EXCEPT *CMakeLists.txt*, but I believe these
more advanced globbing pattern elements (*!()*, *{}*, and the like) do not
apply to *svn:auto-props*, correct?

Thank you in advance,
Eugeny Sosnovsky

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