On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 12:50 PM David Robertson
<robert...@marine.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently upgraded from 1.7.14-14 (CentOS 7) to 1.14.1-1 (CentOS 8) on my 
> SVN server. All the updates to my repositories went smoothly with no warnings 
> or errors. I serve the repositories with mod_dav_svn and I use the following 
> log declaration in my apache config:
> LogFormat "%h %u %t %{repos_name}e %{SVN-ACTION}e" svn
> CustomLog logs/host.name-ssl-svn.log svn env=SVN-ACTION
> It used to be that an update would report as:
> XXX.XXX.XXX.XX username [date and time] repo-name update /path rXXXX
> Now it reports as:
> XXX.XXX.XXX.XX username [date and time] repo-name get-inherited-props /path 
> XXX.XXX.XXX.XX username [date and time] repo-name status /path rXXXX
> Is status a direct replacement for update or can status mean something else 
> in addition to update? After a quick look at the source code, it appears that 
> the "update" SVN-ACTION should be set as long as there are text differences 
> (text-delta) in the newer revision (which there are in this case). I have 
> performed the "svn update" with Linux command line clients of version 1.10 
> and 1.14 with identical results in the logs.
> If the possible values for SVN-ACTION and their meaning are documented 
> anywhere, please point me in that direction.

Did your clients also go through the same update?  SVN 1.8 switched
from Neon to Serf for the HTTP library which enables the HTTPv2
protocol by default. This changes the nature of the requests between
the client and server which impacts the logging because the requests
are different. You might want to add the "SVNAllowBulkUpdates prefer"
directive to your Apache conf. See:



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