I think he wants to search for file content, not for a commit message. So for example "Was our supersecret password <admin1234> ever commited to code anywhere?"

I do not think svn has a build in function to do that easily/fast. You can write a script that counts up, gets the diff from svn for that revision and run grep or awk on it. Might take ages.

There are (paid) thirdparty tools whicht can index your repository and provide fast search (fisheye for example)

Building an index also can take ages.

Best regards,


Am 29/11/2021 um 16:10 schrieb Luke Mauldin:
Is there a recommended way to do a full text search of commits that include 
changed text. For example if I wanted “svn log” to show me all of that commits 
that have an added or deleted line that contains “foo”, is that possible? Git 
has similar functionality in “git log -S foo”
Using “svn diff -r:HEAD | grep foo” gets me close but that just gives me the 
lines that changed and not the commit that they changed.

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