Den tors 22 dec. 2022 kl 23:40 skrev Karl Berry <>:

> Clearly those UTF-8 code points cannot be "converted" by svn to the
> 7-bit ASCII locale that is "C". Fine; I don't expect it to.  Is there a
> way to force svn to complete the checkout anyway? That is, just check
> out the file and let the name be whatever the bytes are. I don't
> understand why any "conversion" by svn is necessary merely to operate on
> files.

Not at all related to this issue except it also concerns filenames: It is
possible to commit files with a filename that works on only one platform,
making a checkout/update fail on other platforms.

Example: Commit a file with ? (questionmark) in the filename on Linux and
checkout the file on Windows.

D:\temp>svn co
svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with
'D:\temp\private_wc\YYY_folder', work item 54 (file-install XY?Z.html 1 0 1
svn: E720123: Can't move 'D:\temp\private_wc\.svn\tmp\svn-C3A15B21' to
'D:\temp\private_wc\XY?Z.html': The filename, directory name, or volume
label syntax is incorrect.

(The above example is from the Subversion private repository, I've masked
the actual folders/filenames but it should be reproducible for anyone with
access to the repository).

This is a case where a conversion might /be/ necessary (although I don't
have a concrete idea of what the conversion should be). Or else these files
should just be ignored on checkout.

I'm just mentioning this in case someone looks at the code and decides make
changes to the conversions.

Kind regards,

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