On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 1:12 AM James Bunger <james.bun...@cox.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been using Subversion, Visual SVN and Tortoise SVN for many years
> with no problems.
> Recently, when doing a svnadmin dump –incremental, for a single version.
> The following warnings were given:
> WARNING 0x0000: The range of revisions dumped contained references to copy
> sources outside that range.
> WARNING 0x0000: Referencing data in revision 90, which is older than the
> oldest dumped revision (r91).  Loading this dump into an empty repository
> will fail.
> * Dumped revision 91.
> Revision 89, 90 and 91 created a new folder under trunk and moved several
> trunk level projects to this new subfolder.
> Version 92 which simple added four additional files, did NOT generate the
> warning.
> While I would never think about putting any version except 1 into an empty
> repository, the warnings are vague enough to get me worried that there is a
> problem with the repositories even though they verify correctly with Visual
> SVN Manager.
> I started getting these warnings a few weeks ago after never seeing them
> before.  I am using VisualSVN Manager 5.1.3.
> Any thoughts on why this would have just started, what they mean and
> potentially how to avoid them would be most welcomed.
> Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
> James

Hello James,

The warning indicates what it says, and typically it does not indicate any
issue with your repository.

It says that you will be unable to load the incrementally dumped revision
91 into an empty repository because it depends on some changes introduced
in earlier revisions. Additionally, you will be unable to load it into a
repository that is missing some of the revisions the revision 91 depends
on. You may encounter this and other similar warnings (e.g., about
mergeinfo) when you dump revisions partially using the `--incremental`

However, there should be no issues if you attempt to load all revisions
1:91 into a new repository.

Thank you.

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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