Den tis 13 juni 2023 kl 17:33 skrev Mun Johl <>:

[... snip ...]

> Which protocol do you use for accessing the repository? (svn info
> --show-item url should give the url, the protocol is the first part)
> *[Mun] svn:*

Thanks for checking! Then we need to look at svnserve.

Can you figure out how it is started? It can be run either in daemon mode
(starting as a standalone daemon using the -d | --daemon argument) or
started from [x]inetd (using the -i | --inetd argument).

Do you see anything in the server log files?
> *[Mun] Our Linux Administrator stated he didn’t see anything pertinent in
> the server logs.  Is there any way to increase verbosity or something so as
> to log debug information?*

I haven't used svnserve myself in production so I'm a little bit in the
dark here, but if I'm reading the code correctly you need to add the
--log-file FILENAME argument when you start svnserve. How to do this
depends on if you run the service as a daemon or from x[inetd], and also
depends on your Linux distribution.

Is it a large repository and could it by any chance be a network issue,
> where the network connection times out while Subversion is trying to find
> the revision number corresponding with the date?
> *[Mun] I wouldn’t necessarily consider it a large repository—but it’s not
> small either.  Your network issue concern is interesting since the server
> is now at a different corporate site.  However, empirically I would have
> expected that perhaps the issue would be intermittent if it were a network
> issue.  This problem occurs every time I’ve tried the command—even at
> different times of the day.  Not that that proves anything—it’s just meant
> to be a data point.*
> *I’ve tried the command in a branch that isn’t very large—but maybe that
> doesn’t make a difference if it’s the total repository size that makes a
> difference—and I still had the same issue with ‘svn up -r {DATE}’.*

These are valid points. There could still be a network issue, for example a
package inspecting firewall that trigger on something when you run svn up
-r {DATE}, but I agree this seems unlikely. Still, to rule out network
issues, can you try the same command on the svn server itself or at least
from a computer on the same site/network? If you don't have access, maybe
the Linux admins can help you out.

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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