Hello everyone!

I like Subversion and use it for my projects.

PoshSvn is a PowerShell module which provides a tab competition and
typed output for the Subversion cmdlets. I found it useful for
scripting and everyday life.

For example to get the status of a working copy, you could use the
svn-status cmdlet:

PS C:\> svn-status

Status  Path
------  ----
M       PoshSvn\CmdLets\SvnAdd.cs
M       PoshSvn\CmdLets\SvnLog.cs
M       PoshSvn\SvnCmdletBase.cs
M       README.md

This is useful for scripting because of typed output. For example:

PS C:\> $info = svn-info https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf
PS C:\> $info.Revision
PS C:\> $info.LastChangedAuthor

Documentation is available at: https://www.poshsvn.com/

The installation is very easy. Just type `Install-Module PoshSvn` in
the PowerShell command prompt.

This module is fully free and open source.

Any kind of feedback would be much appreciated.


Timofei Zhakov

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