Thanks all :-)

I'm indeed using Tomcat, I'll go with the tapestry solution instead. Thanks


On 5/10/06, Dennis Cieplik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> If anyone successfully tested Michael Henderson's DynamicBlock in Tap4?
> The
> error I had encountered was 'factory already defined' java.lang.error.
> example that downloaded from Michael Henderson's website has the same
> error.

The example works in jetty and breaks in tomcat. I traced it down to a
URLStreamHandler call inside the component. This causes a 'factory already
defined' java.lang.error. Furthermore there is no source code available,
which could be a problem for some projects (and was for our).

I would rather go with a tapestry solution, namely renderblock and block,
than with DynamicBlock. You might loose some degree of freedom, but it
actually works.


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