@page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }              P { margin-bottom: 
0.08in }     -->       Those are valid concerns Brian. There are my thoughts on 
 - Network is unavailable: dependency manager should maintain a local cache of 
already downloaded artifacts to avoid unnecessary network trips.  Maven 
dependencies resolver already has that but they have bad update policy IMO that 
requires rechecking with repository at least once a day. Unnecessary IMO and 
bad by design because this way they try to implement auto updates based on 
version ranges in the dependencies: very bad idea because it leads to the build 
unpredictability by design!  
 - Server is unavailable: there should be network of servers. It is very common 
approach and works remarkably well (Gentoo, Ubuntoo, and other GNU-Linux 
   - Speed of operations and network outages: for serious use company or person 
should be able easily install a local copy of the repository within own network 
that will allow (semi-)independent operation and provide place for artifacts we 
or they cannot place on the public servers. Examples of those:
     - SUNs j2ee interface jars cannot be placed in the repository because of 
licensing limitations;
     - Company's private assets have no place in the public repositories too;
All the above makes me believe that 'one download' concept should an can be 
retired. The repository seed can be made downloadable as DVD image - that would 
make sense IMO.
Konstantin Ignatyev

----- Original Message ----
From: Brian K. Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tapestry users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:45:49 AM
Subject: Re: Tapestry to generate mails ?

Hash: SHA1

The "dependencies will be downloaded" from a "central repository" is
Maven 101. The problem I ran into was "this is your build machine. it
has NO connectivity outside this room". Corner case? Oh, yeah... but it
shows where the "Maven 101" logic falls short (dreadfully short).

Add to that - I am currently trying to build my Eclipse environment from
scratch (yes, again - this makes 4 Eclipse installs all for different
reasons/versions) and lo and behold - I cannot get the Maven plugin.
Why? Codehaus is down. Corner case? Not at all. Blue Security (one
example) took down sites recently (wanna piss of some spammers?).
Servers go down. Connections drop. And the impact of this spreads
exponentially as the "dependencies will be downloaded" concept grows.

Good idea, but I don't believe "retired" is a good word to use. Possibly
"used in addition to"?

My .02

Konstantin Ignatyev wrote:
>   Well, I think that the "one download" concept should be retired and we can 
> do better than that old fashioned rigid approach. IMO it should work like 
> this: a tiny project that defines     configuration and dependencies has to 
> be created and uploaded to the     central repository;
>      when somebody will want to use     the project then all the dependencies 
> will be downloaded from the     repository;      
>      then if that someone will want     to add to more components to the 
> project it would be simple matter     of adding one line to the dependencies 
> section of the Ant's     build.xml or Maven's POM file (it works today) or 
> choosing new     dependency in an IDE (available in Eclipse with Maven 
> plugin).
>   That is why I have created the CJAR project, I want it to become THE 
> repository for Java community so we all can easily assemble our applications 
> in the way we want. There are some ideas on how to allow people to upload 
> libraries and components, please have a glance and send your thoughts.
> Common repositories serve well in other communities and I think we should get 
> one too.    
> Konstantin Ignatyev

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