Mark Wilcox <mark.wilcox <at>> writes:

> Furthermore -- there's much better solutions than stand-alone Wikis
> for what you're trying to do - ranging from FOSS solutions like Moodle
> or Sakai - to closed-source systems like WebCT or BlackBoard.
> <disclosure> I used to work for WebCT.</disclosure>
> If you insist on staying with a Wiki -- I'd follow Alan's suggestion -
> look at using Apache authentication or perhaps there's a MoinMoin
> authnentication module out there.
> If you're trying to implement SSO between applications - then that's
> an entirely different problem to solve and is probably OT for this
> list. Though I'd be happy to talk about your option off-list - if you
> want to email me at mark.wilcox <at>
> Mark

I'm a newbie to Tapestry, i'm looking for some Best Practice.. just to avoid to
re-invent the wheel... and one of the most complicated is the Access Control
List... for example if a user can't access to a page i'd like to hide the link
to that page.... i think there's a better way than sorround every link with

maybe the best thing is to put all this logic in a "border" component?!?!?!

a border that have to know what page is filling its content... because i can
have a single "session expired" page...
but i can have different pages for other kind of failure.... 
For example in a past project i made in jsp if the db connection failed i
redirect to a configuration page.

Hi To all

P.S. & [OT] it is possible to have this mailing list emailed to my email
Ops sorry i asked to the help system!!!

> On 10/1/05, Alan Chandler <alan <at>> wrote:
> > On Saturday 01 Oct 2005 14:18, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> > > I'm trying to set up some Wikis on the school server I administer,
> > > but I'd like them to only be accessible to the people they're
> > > concerned with. (For example, if a world history class sets up a wiki
> > > where they can share notes, have discussions, etc., there's no reason
> > > that the people taking US History should ever go to it, and there's
> > > less likelihood I'll get obnoxious posts if viewing/editing/etc is
> > > limited to people who should care about it.)
> > >
> > > Is there a way to have Tapestry intercept requests for pages that
> > > aren't controlled by the Tapestry app itself and act as a security
> > > gateway, allowing requests from users who have logged in
> > > appropriately (and serving the appropriate page from the wiki
> > > engine), but blocking unwanted access?
> > >
> > > I'm using MoinMoin and apparently you can create a SecurityPolicy
> > > class in Python, so maybe it could talk to the Tapestry app and work
> > > things out that way.
> >
> > This seems like using an inefficient sledgehammer to crack a nut.
> > --
> > Alan Chandler
> >

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