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I would like to apologize for any "lack of helpfulness" you may have
experienced. The addresses on the site are, as you correctly pointed
out, incorrect due to the recent promotion of Tapestry to TLP status.
This transition is in progress, but I will endeavor to update the site
tonight in order to correct the inaccurate URL's (of which the mailing
list is only a piece). I do believe, however, that four identical
e-mails with the simple text "anyone know the correct address" (as a
continuation of the subject) was a bit much and prompted the shortness
in reply.

If you've moved on, I wish you well. If not, I hope your experience


Cypher ! wrote:
> Hi
> So I wrote a few emails earlier trying to get the correct email addresses to 
> subscribe or un-subscribe from the list. Just so everyone is clued up, the 
> email address advertised at the bottom does not un-subscribe you and the 
> emails addresses on the Tapestry website to subscribe does not work either. 
> My recent set of emails were sent in desperation as I received no reply from 
> my email last week.
> So to Paul Cantrell, Robin Ericsson and Andreas Bulling, thank you for your 
> pointless replies. You could have at least answered my question aside from 
> just being rude and then we would all be happy.
> I read the Tapestry user community was helpful and very active. You guys 
> above have not reflected that. I am all for open source but not when you have 
> to deal with this madness. Much easier paying for a product and getting 
> proper support.
> I wish everybody in this list good luck in the future. Tapestry is a 
> fantastic product and I hope it strives on.
> Regards
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