Amit Gupta schreef:

i had a look at tacos and google webtoolkit, but i am
unable to find any instructions on how to install them
from scratch and go about the process.
any help???
Where exactly did you get stuck?

It seems we've been on the same path, since I just started looking into AJAX as well. I've looked at the Google Web Toolkit and I think their documentation is very clear and to the point. There are no Tapestry wrapper for that toolkit (yet) though, so fitting them together with my Tapestry components wouldn't work very well IMO.

I've played around wih the XTile for a while, which works perfectly and pretty easily, but will mean you'll have to write most of the javascript yourself.

I tried Tacos in the end and although the gettings-started guide was pretty clear to me, it has taken me nearly a full working day to get the AutoComplete component to do what I want (autocomplete a title of an organisation and then submitting its id rather than just the name). I've been pointed in the wrong direction a couple of times because of the inaccurate documentation in the component reference. A couple of examples: - frequency = amount of time in miliseconds according to the documentation, but it feels like it's in seconds instead? I put it at 500 at first, thinking half a second would do, but nothing happened at all until I used '0.5' instead. - afterUpdateElement = deprecated, we should now use options, but I cannot find a description of what options I can pass. After quite a while I figured out I could pass the parameter 'afterUpdateElement' into the options, which is a bit misleading, since I thought that keyword would have deprecated as well... Could do with a better example here and more documentation about the possible options one can pass. - The example in the component reference for AutoCompleter is probably a bit of code cut-and-pasted from the actual example code, but it still shows the FLAG-RENDERER code, which isn't used in the example and it also keeps two lists: the searchList and the localeList. Only one of them is actually used in the example. On top of that the example still uses the deprecated way of defining a TextField _and_ a AutoCompleter, while the AutoCompleter now renders its own TextField. The logging and storeNote method should have been removed from the example as well to keep things simple and clear.

These are just some examples. I know Tacos is just in beta, so I fully expect things to change around every now and then and I can imagine the docs getting out-of-date a bit.
It does make it harder for newbies like me to get started though.



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