Er... This list still for tech geeks, or graphical artists?

Hold your horses, just joking. ;-)

But I do have a question: What is the preferred way of overriding Tap's I could not find any configuration setting, so I sort of have overriden Howards 'getPattern() method in BaseValidator, like the code below. I call my getMessageFromValidationStrings from within my validator's buildMessages() method. Is that a good way to use my own ValidationStrings?

Thanks for any reply,

 /** Copied from HLS's getPattern
  * TODO document me more
  * @param override
  * @param key
  * @param locale
  * @return
protected String getMessageFromValidationStrings(String key, Locale locale) { try {
     ResourceBundle strings =
       ResourceBundle.getBundle("my.package.ValidationStrings", locale);

     return strings.getString(key);
   } catch ( java.util.MissingResourceException e ) {
     return ("["+key+"]").toUpperCase();

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