It depends on exactly what kind of functionality you are working with in
these listeners, but I would probably do something similar to:

-) If you do have functionality that's not related to the web stuff at all
make it a bean that is managed via hivemind, ie make it a service that you

-) Try to avoid subclassing whenever possible. Sometimes it's needed, but
often times it usually means there might be a better way.

In your case I would do what comes naturally in tapestry when you have
common functionality like this, create components. (they can have listeners
and do pretty much anything that a page can do ) Wrap all of it in a Border
component that itself just wraps these components.

Most Border components (you can find ample examples in the tapestry example
apps ) wrap Shell Body (custom common fucntionality components, like
navigation/etc..) @RenderBody to allow your page to have its content
written, and finally a common footer.

On 5/26/06, Willem van Asperen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a set of pages that have very similar behavior. They have listeners
like "handleTransition" and "startNewProcess". The first implementation I
did was, obviously, to capture all these general functionality into XXX a
subclass of BasePage and then sub class my page classes YYY from there.

Now I can DirectLink to these general listeners directly.

But -- is that the natural way to implement this? Should I not capture the
general functionality into a bean that is "injected" into the page? But do I
then need to manually wire the listener of the page to the bean's methods?

Is there a way to <page-description> for the XXX page, such that these are
true for all descendents of it?

Thanks for your thoughts,


Willem van Asperen

PA Consulting Group
Innovation. Responsiveness. Delivery.
Coltbaan 33
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The Netherlands

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