Hi Norbert,

thank you for your quick reply !

The problem with "client:app" is, that it stores the property of the page in a application scope.

So every time I browse to this page the property is set to the persisted value.

I need exactly this behaviour independent of a page, so every page with a @Persist("mystrategy:app") annotation gets the associated property set.

When looking at ClientPropertyPersistenceStrategy in every method there is a parameter 'pageName' :(

Anyone an idea, how to get rid of it ? :)


Norbert Sándor wrote:
What about the strategy "client:app"?
If not then check out ClientPropertyPersistenceStrategy and the related classes for reference (eg. how to add a value into every URL).


Gerald Schöffel wrote:
Hi there !

I need to persist a application-scope property on the client side, without using of a session and/or an ASO and without a reference to a specific page.

In fact I need to be able to compare a value stored in a visit-ASO with the persisted property send from the client.

This property should by added to every url until a condition is met to erase the state from the client.

But I have no idea, how to do so :(

Every example and/or the docs I've found so far are dealing with page-properties and therefor the code is very page-centric.

Could I just omit the pageName in those examples and I am done ?

Thank you in advance,

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