I don't know about everyone else, but our components that are
application specific live entirely in a directory in the java source
tree for that application.  The jwc, html, script, and properties
files all live in the same directory together.  Most of our components
aren't application specific, however, so they get built into component
libraries and then the appropriate jar files are added to any
application that needs them.  As for pages, those can be in any
directory structure you like, so long as you refer to them by their
relative name from the WEB-INF location where they are expected to be
found.  Again, we keep all the support files for a particular page in
the same directory as that page.  I don't suppose that is really a
requirement, although I've never tried to do it differently.


On 6/5/06, Carl Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone, what i'm asking here is a Best pratice question.

I read the documentation about templates, components, .page .html etc... and I 
actually don't understand why Tapestry is build like this.

Well, In big project, it's mandatory I think to have many folders to organise 
pages. Well, with Tapestry,  far as I know, it's hard to do it without 
hardcoding some path somewhere.

You can put the reference for your components in the .application, but In big 
project, it will quickly be hard to maintain.

My question is: Did I miss something or that nothing to do for that right now?

little example of structure I will like to have :
    - gestionContacts/
        -components(Related to gestionContacts, not app specific)
                    -.jwc .html
                   -.jwc .html
        - contactCrud.page .html
        - contactList.page .html
        - etc...
    - gestionPartenaires/
    - login/
    - help/

If I understand, I must register all the path to .application or call the 
folder by specifing the correct path from the root context.

Anyway.. Thanks for any suggestion or link to show that I'm in error.

Carl Pelletier

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