>Have you checked out www.carmanconsulting.com/tapernate

Yes, I have reviewed that page thoroughly.  I don't believe that is enough
information to allow one to implement tapernate, but that may be my lack of
hivemind/spring knowledge creeping in ( a lot of assumptions being made on
that page).  I think a 2000 word "Tapernate - How it is put together" would
do wonders for this side project. Something to the affect of "...here are
the things you need to put into your hivemodule.xml file and why. And this
is why you don't need your hibernate.cfg.xml file anymore. Here is the class
you need to extend in your DAO's so you can gain access to the injected
Hibernate session."  

Right now I would have to know hivemind and spring fairly intimately to get
up and running.

Note that you should also, IMO, have a direct link to the tapernate-examples
residing in SVN off of that page.  I only found it by doing a search on the
archives which is the long way home.

And finally a question for you: 
Based on my original email where I had the two db access approaches (i.e.
DBConn.sess() which is similar to getSession(), and the Hibernate "magic"
way where I had zero session or HQL code), is there a way for Tapernate to
intercept the Hibernate "magic" way based on the mapping files and being
able to put 2+2 together to get an end connection to the DB?  

Or maybe a better way to state it is to say does Tapernate have the ability
to intercept a call to method Leadtags.getLeadtags() and utilize the
existing hibernate mappings to determine how to retrieve a list from the
Leadtags table?  That is what I have right now, though I don't know quite
how the interception works because none of my DAO POJO's have ANY hibernate
code (e.g. no extends, imports, implements of hibernate jar classes) in them
by default and somehow it knows which table to go to when certain methods
are called.

Thanks for the help provided,
Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: James Carman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:40 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: RE: Tapernate HOWTO ->RE: Tapestry+Spring+Hibernate

Have you checked out

> Of course as soon as I sent that I found a different SVN location in 
> the
> archives:
> http://www.carmanconsulting.com/svn/public/tapernate-example/trunk/
> I would still like to know if there is a HOWTO for this.  If not I 
> will create one when/if I can get it up and running.
> Aaron Bartell
> http://mowyourlawn.com/blog
> -----Original Message-----
> From: albartell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 7:37 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Tapernate HOWTO ->RE: Tapestry+Spring+Hibernate
> Looks very promising James!
> I am trying to implement it and have been all over the place trying to 
> find an example.  I got to this from the page you specified:
> http://www.carmanconsulting.com/mvn/com/carmanconsulting/tapernate-exa
> mple/0 .1/ but the tapernate-example-1.0.jar file only has *.class 
> files.
> I then went and installed Subclipse so I could get the source from SVN 
> hoping for an example or readme.txt, but nothing.
> I have my hivemind contribution setup complete (I believe, see below), 
> but I don't see where I can get a Hibernate Session from?
> Hivemodule.xml
> ...
>       <contribution configuration-id="hivemind.hibernate3.Configuration">
>         <configuration-file>hibernate.cfg.xml</configuration-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Lead.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Affiliate.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Reqext.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Leadtag.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Translog.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Leadtagtype.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <mapping-file>com/rxs/dao/Sysctl.hbm.xml</mapping-file>
>         <property name="hibernate.dialect"
> value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"/>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Affiliate</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Lead</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Leadtag</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Leadtagtype</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Reqext</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Translog</class>
>         <class>com.rxs.dao.Sysctl</class>
>       </contribution>
> Thanks,
> Aaron Bartell
> http://mowyourlawn.com/blog
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James Carman, President
Carman Consulting, Inc.

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