I looked into the issue with the start up time for Tapestry Portlets I was 
having, and I added a JIRA issue for it. It seems like the initialisation of 
the portlet is relatively short, but the initial render takes many seconds. 
This is proably due to lazy initialisation meaning that a lot of the work is 
delayed until the initial render?

I'm now in the situation where I hava  JSF and a Tapestry version of a portlet, 
both of which do the same thing but the JSF version can be added to the portal 
in less than a second, the Tapestry version takes about 10. It's looking like I 
am going to have to go down the JSF/Facelets path rather than Tapestry. I 
prefer the Tapestyr aproach, but we can't take the performance hit.

Is there anything I can provide to help find the real source of the problem, or 
is it unlikely to be fixable?



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