To add to the confusion, there is a TextArea called description that
has an analog in the Bar object called description. It is a String
just like id and name, however it does get set on form submission. I
think this is a bug. Has anyone experienced something as strange?

On 6/25/06, Todd Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BTW, this also happens for new Bar creation. Both id (expected) and
name (unexpected) are null.

On 6/25/06, Todd Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an object with properties id and name. I have a form that
> displays editable inputs for the object's name property. This page
> implements PageBeginRenderListener. I have the following set/get
> methods:
> @InitialValue("ognl:new")
> public abstract Bar getBar();
> public abstract void setBar(Bar bar);
> This form doubles as both a new creation form or edit existing form
> based on whether the is not null, as it will be null on new
> instantiation. In the case of edits, the object is set from a listing
> page using the setter above. In the page the TextField values are
> and The form submits to the listener
> onCreateEditBar. Nothing special so far.
> When editing, I see in my debugger that when the form is first
> executed from the list page the bar property is set with both the id
> and the name attributes. The form displays both of these in their
> respective TextField components. When I submit the form, something
> weird happens. When I stop at a break point in onCreateEditBar, the id
> is set, but the name is null. Nowhere in any code I've written is the
> name getting set to null. However, it is definitely null. So, when it
> is persisted to the db, I get null names.
> This seems really weird. Why does the id remain, but the name get removed?
> Thanks

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